Asher likes to steal the spotlight. He's spoiled. So, here are some updates on our other two pets.

Here's Turbo. He's eleven. He enjoys being pet. I think that's really all he ever thinks about. He just got a hair cut. Doesn't he look fantastic? The groomer said he was a good boy. He likes the attention. He also likes to lay under the desk when Josh or I am working there. That's where he is in this picture.

This is Aurora. She's a princess. There's even a song about her... it goes like this, "Hail to the King, Hail to the Queen, Hail to the Princess Aurora!" She's a bit more multi-faceted than Turbo. She likes to be pet too... sometimes. Usually she's staring out the window. Just like she is in this picture. She likes to tease Asher. She also likes to watch birds and catch flies and sit in the linen closet.
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