Thursday, January 31, 2008


We brought Asher to his puppy kindergarten class tonight and there was a cute little springer next to us that looked like a baby Turbo. Josh asked what his name was...and guess what? His name was Turbo! Weird.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Asher's Squeaky Toy

When we got Asher, Janet gave us a toy that her puppy Vegas was not interested in. Look at the fun that she is missing out on! (Josh thinks this is hilarious.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What's in a name?

We couldn't resist buying our little Asher a polo shirt. Maybe if he wears his polo shirt this summer he could pass as a caddy for Josh while he's golfing. Too funny.

Asher Update

Here is Asher with one of his favorite toys.

Asher and his favorite friend, Turbo.

Here's a cute picture of Aurora. She doesn't like to hang out with the dogs, but I don't want to leave her out.

Asher is learning to do things like sit on command, and also how to run down the stairs when you're not looking.
Soon he'll have to hold me in his lap cause he'll be so big!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Asher came home with us on Sunday. He is now 8 weeks old. He's had a crazy couple days, but he is handling it very well. So far, his favorite things to do are: chase Turbo, climb on snowbanks, and mostly to cuddle. He just had his first visit to the vet, and he did great! He loves people, so come visit him sometime!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 2008!

Well we are into a new year again, and this time, I am actually making some resolutions for myself. I feel like I am getting a fresh start in the new year, and I have decided to make one of my dreams a reality. (Not public information yet...sorry, you'll just have to guess...or ask me in person). But, I can say that if you want to help me achieve my goal, you should refer us to a friend who needs a wedding photographer!
In 2007 Josh and I bought our first home, which was very exciting. So this year, we are working on finishing our basement (which you have seen through the pictures) and of course a few other projects around the house involving landscaping and fixing our steps (which have already proved to be hazardous this winter). We're in the process of picking out carpet right now... I think our basement project should be coming together throughout the next couple months!
Another resolution is to have a fantastic looking garden this summer. I spent all of the 2o07 growing season just laying out the bare bones of landscape... we started with zero garden and by the end of the summer, it looked at least like the start of one. So we'll have another summer of hauling dirt and pavers, but I hope to have a pretty garden to show for it by fall. My goal is to have the best landscaping on the block (2nd best on the street) before we move to our next house.
And of course, like many people, I am going to aim towards being better organized. In my job(s), in my home, and in life in general.
Now you can check back in a few months and see if I am succeeding or failing horribly at these resolutions (that hopefully won't already be forgotten by February).