Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bob Bob Bob (Bark!)

There is a commercial that plays frequently on TV for Bob 95FM that Asher just does not like. Every time the commercial comes on, he barks and growls and runs around trying to figure out where that crazy muppet singing is coming from. If you're not from Fargo/Moorhead and haven't seen it, you can view the commercial here.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Still working on the basement.

Well all of our plans were cancelled/rescheduled for this weekend due to another blizzard, so we made the most of the weekend by working on the basement some more! We got the living room ceiling painted and got a first coat of paint on the hallway. Yippee! Starting to feel like we might actually complete this project.

Winter all year.

Today's Sparkles & Scrapes

9 inches of snow on the ground. More snow in the forecast.
Cancelling/rescheduling all appointments for the weekend.
Ceiling vents.

My new Sigg bottle.
Getting 10+ orders at my lia sophia party I didn't make it to.
Painting the basement.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day today?
My suggestion: think about the ways that you are doing your part to conserve our natural resources, and decide to take one step further. Here are some ideas if you are stumped:
  • Don't recycle yet? Buy some recycling bins today to get you started. Check with your local utility company to find out what items are accepted in your area.
  • Have a cabinet full of toxic "cleaners" under your sink? Find out how to dispose of them properly (or at least vow not to replace them after they're used up) and check into some safer cleaning products from Seventh Generation, Method, Shaklee, Mrs. Meyers or others for your home. For really simple and cheap cleaning products, ask your grandma what she used to clean her windows and counters.
  • Have a house full of incandescent light bulbs? Replace them with with compact fluorescent bulbs as they burn out.
  • Going shopping? Bring your own bag, or buy a reusable one while you're there. Let's make plastic bags a thing of the past.
  • Are you a regular at your local coffee shop? Bring your own mug/thermos to fill up.
  • Walk, bike, or carpool to work if you have the option.
  • Have a yard? Make your own compost this season with your food and yard scraps. Check online for directions on making your own bin, or buy a pre-made one.
  • Use a lot of paper? Buy paper that is made from recycled content, and be sure to recycle your paper at work. Want more options than your local supply store gives you? Check out The Green Office for earth-friendly supplies.
  • Unplug appliances and phone chargers when you're not using them. These phantom power suckers consume unnecessary energy.
  • Instead of throwing away things you don't want anymore, donate them, put them on FreeCycle, put them on Craigslist or eBay or for goodness sake, make them into an art project. Give our landfills a break.
  • Vow to refrain from using styrofoam products... no more plates, cups, bowls, etc. whenever possible. Reach for a reusable or even a paper plate/cup/bowl instead.

Well I hope you're energized and encouraged by the ideas on the list (and not overwhelmed!). Today, Frozen Music Studios joined 1% for the Planet to do our part in celebrating Earth Day. What are you going to do?

Monday, April 14, 2008


This weekend my dad was here to visit and he helped Josh put up drywall on the ceiling in the living room area. Yesterday Josh installed the lights in that section, and now we're on to some more taping, mudding, sanding and painting!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


It feels like spring has finally arrived! Today was a gorgeous day and I got to do some work outside and take a look at the garden to see what is coming up. Looks like many of my (free!) transplants from last season made it through the winter and are starting to sprout. I'm happy to see the peonies, iris, tulips, lilies and chives all doing well. They even made it through that yucky snow/sleet storm from Thursday! I can barely believe it, but Tuesday's forecast calls for temps in the 70s! (We'll believe it when we see it for real.) Happy spring!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Stave Church

Today my grandma and I got to hang out together... we did some shopping and sight-seeing in Fargo/Moorhead. We decided to check out the stave church at the Hjemkomst Heritage Center. Grandma got to show off because she was the only one on the tour that had been to Norway and seen a real stave church, not just a replica like this one. It was fun, but it was pretty chilly in the wind!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Jason!

My little brother is turning 21 today! Happy Birthday Jason! Hope you have a great birthday... don't go too crazy on all those birthday drinks tonight! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ND Democratic Convention

On Friday afternoon, my mom and I drove up to Grand Forks to go to the North Dakota Democratic Convention at the Alerus Center. When we finally got there and parked in the parking spot that was furthest away from the doors, we caught up with Brian, Adam & Rachel in line.
Then we waited in line for about 2 hours, fearing that we may not be able to get in before the speeches started. Luckily, it was a very nice spring day outside.

We got in the doors just as Obama was beginning his keynote speech. (I'm sure his advisors told him to wait til we got in there to start, since we are very important people.)

Then we got some better seats when Obama was done, and someone passed us this Hillary sign. It made for a good picture and a good souvenir. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. The "wave" went around the Alerus Center about 20 times because we were all bored waiting. Clinton's plane was late so she couldn't get there on time. But, I was impressed to see that when she walked in the door (we could see behind the stage from our seats) she was all smiles and even waved at me (and the thousand other people in my section).

I was glad at the end of the night to be able to hear both candidates speak, even though we didn't leave the Alerus Center until about 9:20pm (about 5 hours after we got there).

After the speeches we went to downtown GF and had some food (finally!) and drinks at the Toasted Frog. They had yummy sweet potato fries.
Overall it was a very long night, but well worth it (though I'm glad I didn't come at 6 in the morning like some people). I am very hopeful for the 2008 elections and am excited at the possibility of one of these candidates becoming the next President.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hot Water

Oh yes, we have a brand spanking new water heater. Our old one decided at about 9:30 last night that we would not be going to bed early, but we would be cleaning up water on the laundry room floor. It decided that we did not deserve to have any warm water anymore.
But, thanks to Josh and the plumber that was coincidentally coming over at 9 this morning, we now have a fabulous (actually it is the exact same as the old one) new water heater and can continue on with daily tasks such as showering and washing dishes.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Baby Boy!

Congrats to Megan and Bud on the birth of their son, Bronson Michael, yesterday, April 1! Can't wait to see him!