It's that time of year again... time to go get your flu shot! This is a friendly reminder to all of my blog readers. I will be getting my flu shot at the Flu Shot Blitz at MeritCare. If you live in Fargo/Moorhead, you can check out the schedule
I know some of you out there are not planning to get a flu shot based on concerns about mercury in the vaccine. (Flu shots contain a mercury-based preservative called thimersal). Guess what? You can opt for a preservative-free (a.k.a. mercury-free!) flu shot.
Want to know something else? The flu shot does NOT give you the flu. That's a total myth. You may feel some side effects like a fever or aches, but it's not the flu.
If you want to learn more, check out the
Center for Disease Control website.
P.S. I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV. :)