Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Freecycling is Fun!

Are you familiar with Freecycling? If not, you should be!
A couple weekends ago (when it was still warm out!), Josh and I worked on cleaning up our garage. In the process, we found a bunch of random things that we no longer needed or wanted, but were still in good shape. We took leftover building materials to Habitat for Humanity's ReStore just down the street, brought our scrap metal to the recycling place, brought a couple bags of clothes to the Dakota Boy's & Girl's Ranch, but we had some other things left that we put on Freecyle is an online community where people post items they are looking for, and post items that they are giving away for free.
We posted items like never used trim pieces, a bag of insulation, rollerblades, a fax machine, etc. And guess what? All the items are spoken for! It's awesome to be able to give things away that we don't need anymore to people that do need them. It's also amazing all the cool things you can get for free! Freecycle is a fabulous tool... it's good for us, and it's good for the environment.
Next time you find items you no longer need, check out your local Freecyle group to see if someone else might need it!

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