Back in high school, the school newspaper had a section called "Feathers and Droppings." Feathers were notably good things going on around the school, and droppings were, of course, the more than ordinarily bad things. I don't know who came up with the of the school newspaper editors or something I would assume. Anyway, I am going to start my own list, but I am calling mine "Sparkles and Scrapes" since I really have no affiliation to the red bird where the name comes from.
So here it list for the day:
Punching out of work and stepping out into the warm sunshine.
My Pandora radio stations.
Laughing with Alecia & Matt about our old apartments.
ScrapesSitting in the office while coworkers take long and lavish vacations.
Feeling like my life is wasting away from 8-5 every day.
Thinking that $2.77 is cheap for a gallon of gas.