Thursday, June 14, 2007

Filler Vegetables

Have you ever noticed how restaurants like to fill your plate with "garnishes" and filler vegetables? Does anyone actually eat the lettuce or parsley garnish? Personally, I think it's ridiculous that every meal you order seems to come with some sort of garnish without a purpose. Yes, I do watch the Food Network, so I know that presentation is important, but come on! Adding a "garnish" doesn't make the food Iron Chef quality. And sometimes, less is more! It's okay to see some of the plate! It doesn't need to be filled up with 5 pieces of lettuce for one hamburger, or a monstrous mound of greasy french fries.
Well, I don't have any where else to go on this subject...this post is dedicated to Jenny and the Douglas Lodge Restaurant that inspired this little rant about too much lettuce.

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