Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Was I living under a rock?

So apparently, unbeknownst to me, this whole blogging thing has been going on for quite some time. It makes me wonder if I was living in a cave or something all this time. But, only my very "in-the-know" cousin Kari emailed me with her blog, so maybe I'm not all that far behind the rest of the "out-of-the-loop" type people like me. So...although I may not have anything to say that is remotely interesting to anyone besides myself, I am making my best effort. Still, I am jealous that I don't have a lawn gnome or Fonz to take pictures of in various places...but I don't go anywhere anyway! It would just be pictures taken in different spots of my yard.
Hopefully I'll take more pictures to add soon...even if they don't have any inanimate creatures in the foreground.

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