Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Where has summer gone?

It's only the brink of summer, yet I can already feel it slipping through my fingertips, giving way to yet another long and painfully cold winter. Summer time gives the illusion of lazy days and care free nights. But looking at my calendar, I'm already booked every weekend with some event or another, and I spend my week days wearing sweaters inside a ridiculously cold building. How does summer become more hectic than the rest of the year? We all try to cram as many outdoor activities into three short months as humanly possible and run around so much that we forget to take some time to relax!
Lounging on the dock, dipping your feet into the cool water gently lapping on the shore, reading a novel from the summer reading list (after a generous application of sunscreen of course!). Doesn't it sound wonderful? (Or maybe you'd rather be fishing in the water instead of reading...feel free to use your imagination here.) Don't let this summer slip by without taking some moments to enjoy the sunshine and forget about your responsibilities and worries, if only for a few moments. It will be a memory you'll cling to for hope all winter long.

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