Sunday, June 24, 2007


I return from my weekend with a weird shaped sunburn down my arm. I guess I didn't apply sunscreen as thoroughly as I should have. But, at least I have proof that I spent a weekend having fun outside rather than wasting it inside. Josh and I went to the cabin and had some fun with my brother (and my dad, the driver) on the "Aqua Glide" I think it's called. It's basically like pulling a giant floating mattress behind the boat instead of a little tube. More on that later in the summer, I'm sure.
I woke up this morning to the whines of the dog, and got up and went out on the deck. The sunrise was beautiful, and I was pretty sure that I had never been awake for a sunrise at the cabin before. So I ran in for my camera and took a picture. Of course, I then returned straight to bed. But I was happy to see that the picture actually turned out pretty nice.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Thats a pretty awesome picture. Turned out to be a great weekend for the cabin it looks like.